This Tuesday will be the first time that Reinaldo Rueda will direct La Roja at the National Stadium. And although it will be a debut without an audience, the strategist hopes that justice will accompany them during the day.
“May divine justice reward us in the end. It is not easy in these games where an error does not give you the World Cup Qualification and it hurts more after the delivery of the boys in Montevideo. But now turn the page and now enforce our court“were part of his statements during his conference this Monday.
This, after La Roja toured the facilities of the National Stadium.
How to accompany the Red?
Although this time the colossus of Ñuñoa will be seen empty, the fans will be able to follow every second of the match, scheduled for 9:30 p.m.
You can watch the game against Colombia through ChileVisión, Claro Video, CDF HD and CDF Stadium.
La Roja will debut as a homeowner, as has emerged from the coach’s team, with a formation that promises surprises.
The base will be the same used in Montevideo, but with the César Pinares factor accompanying Alexis Sánchez and Eduardo Vargas on offense.