Puerto Valparaíso company received more than 150 ships in 4 months of quarantine | National


More than 150 ships received the Puerto Valparaíso Company during the 4 months of quarantine in the area.

Operations remained active despite sanitary restrictions and have been in charge of various areas such as: concessionaires, public services, authorities and workers, who were able to exceed 17 weeks in confinement that the city of Valparaíso was.

More than 150 ships were received at both the South Pacific Terminal (TPS) and the Cerros de Valparaíso Terminal (TCVAL), in addition to the approximately 120 trucks served at the ZEAL.

The general manager of Empresa Puerto Valparaíso, Franco Gandolfo, appreciated the work carried out since it has been possible to maintain the supply in the area, and that all this is a consequence of the plan they adopted when the health emergency began.

In the same vein, the General Manager of TPS, Oliver Weinreich, said that this has been achieved by putting the health of workers first, which has represented a learning process for all.

Leonidas Valdivieso, Regional Director of SAG, said that it has been a coordinated work among all participants, with the Agricultural and Livestock Service being an important actor.

According to the information provided by Puerto Valparaíso, the products that have been transferred the most are fruit, fish meal and wines.

Regarding the imported ones, there are spare parts, machinery, iron and steel coils.
