Search for Claudia Agüero in Las Bandurrias ceases after finding of still unidentified skeletons
by Yessenia Márquez
Information is from Robinson Cardenas
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The Prosecutor’s Office terminated the proceedings on the slope of the Las Bandurrias sector in Puerto Montt in the Los Lagos region, in the framework of the investigation to find any clue that helps clarify what happened to Claudia Agüero, a woman who disappeared more than 10 months ago.
The skeletons found on Saturday and other objects of investigative interest were the only things that could be lifted from the ravine in which specialized personnel worked in carrying out maneuvers in wild areas.
The bones have an approximate data already known to the family as detailed by the prosecutor in the case, who avoided publicly revealing the information, this As long as it is not known exactly whether it is human or animal remains.
Along the same lines, the persecutor Nathalie Yonsson confirmed the completion of the work in the Las Bandurrias sector.
The lawyer for the husband and children, Exer Quilodrán, was cautious in stating that the analysis of the Legal Medical Service must be awaited, which will determine the origin of the skeletal remains found during the weekend.
Claudia Agüero, was seen for the last time by her partner, Irsio Hernández, on December 2, 2019. The man took her to a bus stop in the Lagunitas sector for the woman to get to work at the other end of Puerto Montt, which would never have happened.