This Sunday the Government announced the filing of a criminal complaint against all those who are responsible as perpetrators, accomplices or accessories to the attempted murder against the policeman who was injured in the middle of the attack on the Ercilla Police Station.
The action also exposes the crimes of damage against damage to the infrastructure.
The document states that, around 8:45 p.m., from a white truck, with red and black stickers on its sides, with roll bars that was circulating at high speed along Avenida Ercilla to the west, the occupants of said mobile fired between 8 to 10 shots of a firearm against the officials.
In the midst of these events, Javier Fuentes Villanueva was seriously injured in his left hand and in the abdomen.
Later, the letter details, “around 11:45 p.m., from a truck, in the sector where the Ancapi School of the Ercilla commune is located, various shots were fired at the police personnel who were providing protection measures in the place, forcing the Carabineros to use their service weapons to repel the attack. “
As a result of these events, Corporal Francisco Esparza Fuentes was injured, in addition to the damage to the school premises, including the Principal’s office and one of the classrooms.
The action was filed against those who are responsible for both events.