5 arrested for arson attack at the Carabineros barracks in Puente Alto | National


Demonstration prior to the arson attack on the Puente Alto Police Station


Around 6:40 p.m. this Saturday, around 100 protesters, mostly minors, attacked the 20th Puente Alto Police Station, throwing incendiary elements, chemical powder, fire extinguishers, paint bombs and blunt elements such as irons, sticks. , stones and debris, inside said police unit.

The protesters were participating in an activity called “March for Approval”, which brought them together at the Metro Protectora de la Infancia station.

The fire extinguishers thrown by the subjects were stolen from collective locomotion buses at the intersection of Ernesto Alvear street and Avenida Concha y Toro.

Public Order Control personnel attended the scene, where they managed to arrest 5 individuals, two adults and 3 minors.

This attack caused damage to the roof and walls of the 20th Police Station, as well as damage to a police vehicle, according to Captain Miguel Lizama, a patrol officer for the Cordillera Prefecture.
