Situation at Carlos Tejos dinner dislodged fans of La Divina Comida


A particular situation occurred in this Saturday’s chapter of The Divine Food. On this occasion, the CHV star was attended by María José Bello, María José Illanes, Carlos Tejos and Rodrigo Jarpa.

In fact, it was the latter who caught the attention of the followers of the program. This, for an unexpected gesture he had at the celebrity journalist’s dinner.

It all happened when Tejos announced to his guests that his preparations are made without salt. Of course, he invited those who wanted to add him to their own dishes.

Act, the sexologist took out of his pockets some sachets of salt that are used in fast food places. He even repeated the gesture both in the entrance and in the main dish, a question that generated various reactions from viewers who were watching the program at that time.

This, because several found it bad vibes on their part. Of course, several also jumped to defend it.

The reaction of the followers of The Divine Food
