Two retired police officers were the fatal victims of the multiple accident in Victoria – Araucanía


Two retired carabinieri were the fatal victims of the multiple accident in Victoria

The multiple collision that involved 20 vehicles in the Victoria sector, left two people dead. According to the investigation, everything would have been caused by dense fog and poor driving by a truck driver. Tvn


Two people were killed in the multiple crash in Victoria, being identified as retired police, José Correa Correa and Carlos Alberto Ponce, who were going to work at a security company.

Meanwhile, there is a third person who is at life risk, after the tragic accident that involved 20 vehicles and left eight people injured, this Friday morning on Route 5 South, just two kilometers north of Victoria.

The general of the IX Carabineros Zone, Carlos González, affirmed that the “intense fog” caused the “chain accident.”


Truck driver arrested in fatal multiple collision in Victoria

Victoria’s chief prosecutor, César Schibar, ordered the arrest of the driver of a truck involved in the multiple accident that occurred this morning on Route 5, for his alleged responsibility in the event, which left two people dead.

According to Radio Biobío, it is the driver of the first truck in the row of the multiple accident, who will be formalized tomorrow for a quasi-crime of homicide in the Victoria Guarantee Court.

Although the dense fog would have affected the accident, Schibar made the decision based on a report from the Carabineros of the Traffic Accident Investigation Section (SIAT).

It should be noted that the chain shock was registered at Inspector Fernández, in Victoria, La Araucanía Region. Twenty vehicles were involved, of which 10 caught fire.

The deceased are two retired carabineros: retired police commander José Augusto Correa Correa and retired senior noncommissioned officer Carlos Ponce Albo.

With information from and Aton

