Forest camp and about 15 burned trucks leave arson attack in Angol | National


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A forest camp and about 15 trucks fires left an arson attack in the commune of Angol, La Araucanía region.

As reported by Radio Bío Bío, this is recorded in the Monaco farm, land of the forestry entrepreneur Gerardo Cerda.

In an interview with La Radio, the businessman confirmed the attack and pointed out that “We are in total abandonment”. He also emphasized that the facilities house 130 machines, some of which are owned by him and others by subcontractors.

According to Cerda, after an hour and 15 minutes, three police arrived, while three fire companies they work to control flames.

Carabineros sources indicated that this would not have been so and that they were prevented from entering the farm, since they were three minutes from the place of the attack.

Those responsible for the attack would have threatened a worker and shot into the air, and then proceed to burn the trucks, Gerardo Cerda emphasized. After this, he added, they would have burned other machines about seven kilometers in the direction of Los Sauces.

In the farm they left of flyers allusive to the freedom of Mapuche prisoners and Camilo Catrillanca.

Vladimir Sáez | RBB

“We have had threats of burning for months, months that we warned the governor,” said the businessman, who criticized the actions of the Government authorities due to the lack of efforts to face attacks in the area.

Vladimir Sáez | RBB
Vladimir Sáez | RBB
Vladimir Sáez | RBB
Vladimir Sáez | RBB
