A new “blow” received the Viña del Mar Festival during this day, since from the Association of Television Channels (ANATEL) gave their support to Channel 13 and TVN for the event to be suspended.
According to La Tercera, the agency sent a letter to the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, where they stated that the event cannot take place due to a number of factors.
One of them, the most obvious, is due to the pandemic and the possibility of a large outbreak of coronavirus among the attendees. To this is added the coordination, logistics and transportation that the appointment in the “garden city” needs.
“World experience indicates that in countries that initially suffered from the virus, strong outbreaks called ‘second wave’ are occurring and, in other cases, third always keeping in mind that it can happen in our country ”, Indian Ernesto Corona.
“In fact, the projections of the Ministry of Health, regarding the future evolution of the pandemic, indicate that even in phase 5 the subscribed requirements could not be met in previous issues to broadcast the Viña Festival in February ”, he added.
# VIÑA2021: I want to highlight the coinciding vision of the Municipal Council with this mayor and look for a path that allows the channels to develop, based on their experience and professionalism, an alternative Covid mode for version No. 62 of the Viña Festival.
Virginia Reginato pic.twitter.com/hbfkwYdLmO– Virginia Reginato (@cotyreginato) October 6, 2020
On the other hand, in that letter, Corona also pledged its support to mediate between the Municipality of Viña del Mar, specifically the mayor Virginia Reginato, and the two television stations.
This reaction occurs after, at the beginning of this week, TVN and Channel 13 issued a joint statement where they showed that carrying out the festival “It was not viable”, both for health and economic issues.
Without going any further, to date there is no confirmed artist from the organization of the contest.
For his part, Reginato has made it clear that today the conditions are not given to carry out an event as in the past (in Quinta Vergara and with an audience), but has emphasized that the channels should seek “creative solutions”.
In this sense, the mayor has stated that a “Covid-mode Festival” should be held, which at the moment seems to be far from reaching an agreement.
“I want to highlight the concurrent vision of the Municipal Council with this mayor and seek a path that allows the channels to develop, based on their experience and professionalism, an alternative Covid mode for version No. 62 of the Viña Festival,” he said.