The tense control of the PDI to the carabinero in the vicinity of the house of prosecutor Chong
A camera carried by the carabinero allowed to capture the moment in which he was inspected after circulating in the vicinity of the prosecutor who received death threats in the last hours.
Images from the personal camera of Carabineros Lieutenant Colonel Freddy Vergara revealed the tense dialogue he had with the Investigative Police officer who supervised him, after passing through the outskirts of the prosecutor Ximena Chong’s house on two occasions, who finds himself with shelter after suffering threats.
In the images you can see the exchange of words between the PDI cash and the policeman who was in civilian clothes.
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This was the dialogue of the audit:
- POI: Where is it going?
- Carabineros: To work
- POI: What do you work on?
- Carabineros: I am a public official
- POI: But what does he do?
- Carabineer: I am a public official
- POI: Sir, I’m asking what you do, we civil servants are fed up
- Carabineer: I am a carabinero
- POI: Carabineer? Could you identify yourself?
- Carabineros: Gives you your identification
- POI: Identification is brought to the vehicle
- Carabineer: You can’t take that away from me.
- POI: I’m going to take a picture. I am in charge of a protection measure for an address that was there and through which you passed. It did not have to go through there, in fact it is not within its route. In which unit do you work?
- Carabineer: In the transportation department.
After what happened, Carabineros Lieutenant Colonel Freddy Vergara, an official who was controlled by the PDI, delivered his video version of the displacement outside the prosecutor’s house.
“In relation to the facts in which I was involved inadvertently, I live in Ñuñoa and work in Independencia, so I move every day by the same route “, he began his explanation.
Then he referred to his double journey: “When I started to move I realized that my particular motorcycle had a fault and I tried to detour to go back to a mechanic shop. I went down a street that did not know what the direction of traffic was and at no time did I stop. The sense of the streets forced me to return to my original route of travel ”.
: Abbott communicated to the Ministry of the Interior new episodes about alleged harassment of prosecutor Chong Read more
“Considering that I was no longer going to try to return to the workshop at that time, because I was running late, cI continued on my way and was inspected when I got to Bilbao street “, he specified.
The Public Ministry, meanwhile, announced the investigation of possible intimidation against the head of High Complexity of the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, Ximena Chong, after the official received a letter with threats to which the Vergara inspection added.
It should be noted that Chong is in charge of the investigations into the crime of attempted homicide that keeps Carabinero Sebastián Zamora in preventive detention, accused of pushing the minor AA from the Pío Nono Bridge to the Mapocho River in the demonstrations last Friday.
This was the inspection of the police in the vicinity of Prosecutor Chong’s house
The record corresponds to the camera that Carabineros Lieutenant Colonel Freddy Vergara kept, an official who was controlled this morning by the PDI, and who delivered his video version of the movement outside the prosecutor’s house.