Super de Salud urges Isapres to follow Banmédica’s path, and insurers say it is in line with what they want to advance


The Health Superintendency and the Isapres were taken by surprise when Banmédica’s announcement of moving towards the free mobility of pre-existing affiliates.

However, the regulator and the industry appreciated the insurer’s kickoff and agreed that it is a decision in the right direction.

From the Superintendency of Health, Patricio Fernández told Pulso that Banmédica’s action goes in strict correlation with the purpose pursued by the bill that has been sitting in Congress for 7 years, and with the idea of ​​the risk compensation fund that would be announced in the remainder of the year.

Fernández said that the measure is even more positive since it arises spontaneously from an Isapre. This marks a difference with the initiative to end discrimination based on sex and some congenital pre-existence that were led by the superintendency itself.

“It is not an imposition of the regulator, and that is why it is undoubtedly generating pressure is among its peers,” says the authority, who at the same time urges the other insurers to move in this direction.

From the Isapres Association, its president Gonzalo Simon insist that “This is in line with what we have stated that we want to move forward to improve the system.”

In any case, various actors in the world of insurance companies believe that the issue of how to put an end to preexistence could once again be part of the debate and be widely discussed at the next meeting of directors held by the Association. Of course, they agree that Banmédica’s announcement urges the Superintendency to make its announcement.
