Senate Finance Committee approves government proposal to readjust the minimum wage | Economy


This Wednesday the Senate Finance Commission approved the Executive’s proposal for the readjustment of the minimum wage. This readjustment corresponds to the 6 thousand pesos of increase, improving the initial 1,500 pesos proposed by the Government.

Unanimously, the commission approved this proposal, which will now go to the Senate room and if approved, it will return to the House, which had already rejected this proposal.

“This is a real increase of 1.1%, it is a ceiling not a floor. I say it with great humility. The $ 6,000 represents a significant move, and the mid-season in April seems reasonable to us. We all want to look at the economy at that time, and hopefully it is in a rebound phase and employment has taken on a phase of dynamism, “explained Minister Ignacio Briones, according to La Tercera.

For his part, the president of the Senate committee, Jorge Pizarro, commented that “It should be noted that although the readjustment is small, it seems reasonable that it exists. We are interested in being able to see how the reactivation and employment develop in order to have the possibility of having another analysis in April ”.

It is necessary to remember that this readjustment will be in force for 6 months, and then re-analyze the situation, in an economic context with fewer uncertainties than at this time, they expect.
