Boric asked the Municipality of Valparaíso to respond to the Comptroller’s Office


Gabriel Boric ruled out having a “double standard” and requested the Municipality of Valparaíso respond “to the report of Comptroller“, after a lawsuit is opened to recover $ 931 million.

“Any lack of probity and misuse of public resources is unacceptable, no matter who is responsible“he wrote in your account Twitter and added that “in this we can’t have double standards“.

In addition, he was emphatic that it should be “sanction whoever corresponds“and that” I have no doubt that this will be the case, “added the deputy of the Wide Front, same conglomerate to which it belongs Jorge Sharp, Mayor of Valparaiso.

But he was not the only parliamentarian from Social Convergence who referred to the issue, since Gonzalo winter He also spoke on the social network about it.

“Institutions that ensure transparency and probity are essential for the functioning of a democracy“he said on his account.

The deputy added that “what was detected by the Comptroller should be investigated in depth, and then assign corresponding responsibilities and take consequential action“.
