Deliverers celebrate unprecedented ruling against OrdersYa and open debate on app regulation | National


Meanwhile, the authorities admit that it is a pending discussion and stressed that there is a bill in process to guarantee access to social security for platform workers.

The Concepción Labor Court of Letters was able to establish the employment relationship between Orders Now and Álvaro Arredondo, a dealer who sued the application for unjustified dismissal.

The man worked for about a year making home deliveries, however, 5 months ago he was notified about the deactivation of his account and that the supervisor confirmed through WhatsApp messages, where he told him that it was all due to a “history of arrears”.

However, the court managed to establish the employment relationship of the company with the affected person for the first time in our country, condemning Orders Ya to pay more than one million pesos to the worker.

Alvaro Arredondo, who filed the lawsuit against the delivery application, said that this ruling demonstrates the precarious employment of the delivery men.

The employment relationship was accredited after analyzing a series of demands from Orders Now, which during the process ensured that the distributors are free to make deliveries. However, the judge Angela HernandezHe explained that it was possible to establish subordination and control by the company.

The spokesperson for the Penquista Distributors Association, Fernando Gallardo, said that this is a great triumph considering the current conditions in which they operate.

The Seremi del Trabajo in the Bío Bío, Sintia LeytonHe commented that there are bills to regularize the situation of the delivery platforms.

Along the same lines, the Undersecretary of Labor, Fernando arab, stressed that “this ruling reveals a discussion that we still have pending in the country” and recalled “that in 2018 they presented a bill to guarantee access to social security for platform workers.” Meanwhile, he pointed out that there is a working table in progress that in the next few days will deliver a report that will be shared with the Senate Labor Committee, where the initiative is being discussed.

However, it is not the only lawsuit that is being reviewed in Concepción, since the Grouping of Penquista Dealers affirm that there are 3 other actions against distribution applications -30 at the national level- waiting to be resolved.
