Sharp in distress: Comptroller opens lawsuit to recover $ 931 million and discovers teen job | National


The Comptroller’s Office will initiate a trial of accounts in the Municipal Corporation of Valparaíso (Cormuval), whose owner is Mayor Jorge Sharp, to recover 931 million pesos for the alleged misuse of the Preferential School Grant (SEP) and that was destined to the purchase of different elements for two high schools in the commune.

The inspection body, at the same time, sent the information to the Public Ministry, considering that the events could be considered a crime, in particular an alleged misappropriation of public funds.

The information is in a recent audit accessed by the Radio Bío Bío Research Unit, where the reviewing entity also ordered the completion of a summary to establish possible administrative offenses.

Read the report

The document points to the period from January 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019.

According to the information contained in the review, part of the money was derived from the purchase “of divers, t-shirts, ties, badges, agendas, snacks, pies, cakes, breakfasts, lunches and for the services provided” by the high schools. María Luisa Bombal and the Technician from Valparaíso.

Regarding the latter establishment, it was discovered that the director manages a company that provided services generating about $ 180 million in profit, the audit establishes.

It is not all, because the Comptroller discovered that students from both educational centers were used “to work as garzones and cooks, being minors and without express authorization to carry out that activity.”

Given the foregoing, the antecedents were also referred to the Children’s Ombudsman to adopt the measures that correspond by law.

“Using students for garzón work or snack wrapping is not related to school teaching. Although the students received payment for said activities both at the María Luisa Bombal High School and at the Valparaíso Technical High School, they are not typical of what is indicated by the law that governs Cormuval ”.

Another of the accredited facts is that the high schools obtained “income from the sale of the products and the provision of the services already indicated for the sum of $ 490,649,302, and that, of that figure, a total of $ 394,153,169 corresponds to purchases that were made by Cormuval itself ”, coming from resources destined for public education.


The Buenos Aires institution defended its actions, ensuring that the young people who provided services in marriages, coffee breaks, among other events, received between 12 to 20 thousand pesos per day. He added that the young people had the authorization of their parents, but in the report the Comptroller’s Office asserts that these documents were not found.

Cormuval insisted that in schools there is a “productive pole” related to the technical training areas of young people in high schools.

“It indicates that the productive poles are defined as entities that are relational to teaching, since they must generate at all times -either through internships, reinforcements or alternative practices-, an educational training space for students in technical training”, the report details .

Parliamentary version

Regarding the report, the deputy Andrés Celis, who denounced the events more than a year ago, assured that “this report confirms the very serious practices within the Valparaíso Municipal Corporation and in those two high schools, which were used as operating machines of services that were then sold to CORMUVAL itself, something absolutely improper, not very honest and for which the Mayor must respond as soon as possible.

“I made these facts known, more than a year ago, to four public organizations that had to intervene; the Comptroller’s Office, from which this complete report emanates, the Superintendency of Education, the Seremi of the branch and the Ombudsman for Children. Unfortunately, the Seremi did nothing, only pointed out that these events were the responsibility of the Superintendency ”, he indicated.
