: SII: 37 thousand public officials received a Middle Class Bonus without meeting requirements
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“The Government should give a ‘pardon’ to all those who try to persecute for the Middle Class Bond. (Sebastián) Piñera cannot treat almost half a million people as criminals, nor threaten them with facing justice. It is totally immoral that they try to persecute them without assuming the improvisation costs of the Ministry of Finance with this law, which had serious implementation problems, ”she argued.
“I call on the Government and the director of the Internal Revenue Service to stop the persecution and to get to work on a pardon, as they have already done with large companies such as Johnson,” he added.
For his part, the PPD deputy, Raúl Soto also joins the request for “pardon”, stating that “It is unfair to impute all responsibility for the failures #BonoClaseMedia to 437 thousand people and talk about fraud and criminal prosecution, when the bad design and execution of this improvised policy at the last minute is the government’s fault. “
It is unfair to hold full responsibility for the failures of the #BonoClaseMedia to 437 thousand people and talk about fraud and criminal prosecution, when the bad design and execution of this improvised policy at the last minute is the fault of the government. I join the request of #forgiveness pic.twitter.com/gbULcYYUnq
– Raul Soto Deputy (@ Raul_Soto1) October 5, 2020
“I believe that the Government’s statements are tremendously irresponsible and unfair, to impute all the responsibility to the people even speaking of fraud and criminal prosecution offering the penalties of hell if they do not return the money is a tremendous injustice and a tremendous irresponsibility, because the Middle Class Bond, the Government pushed it at the last minute only to overturn the project of the first withdrawal of 10% of AFP, an objective that they did not achieve, but this public policy was poorly designed, poorly executed and poorly implemented by this government, for There is so much government responsibility in this matter and they have to assume that. “