Jean-Philippe Cretton lived an emotional reunion with his parents Jean-Philippe Cretton lived an emotional reunion


The coronavirus pandemic forced many families to stay apart for many months. The closure of several cities caused the distancing of many people with their loved ones, one of them is the national animator Jean-Philippe Cretton.

This weekend Cretton had an emotional reunion with his parents, whom he had not seen for 9 months. In conversation with LUN, he detailed his exciting weekend.

“I’m not the most affectionate guy in the world, but I missed them a lot. I missed sitting down to talk with my parents. During this time we had kept up with calls and video calls, but the face-to-face thing was missing”he declared at first.

Jean-Philippe Cretton

The visit of Jean-Philippe Cretton

“I went to visit them in December and in the summer I couldn’t because I am started and I had to make replacements in the morning. I had everything ready to go in March, but the Apocalypse came and we had to lock ourselves up”the animator recounted.

“Everything turned out well. The trip was spectacular. We had a reunion very in the wave of what we did years ago. There were pending conversations, saying things to our faces”He added about his visit to Araucanía.

Jean-Philippe Cretton

“In the program (Yo Soy) they do the PCR to us quite often. Sometimes up to two exams in a week. On Wednesday they did it to me, so I traveled calmly, because for me it was a concern not to expose them to contagion”, He added about the security measures he took to travel.

“There were a lot of hugs between the three of them. They also had a hard time with the pandemic (…) We cuddled up and held back a lot. I hope to be able to return in November. I promised them that I would bring my daughter to them. to his granddaughter since December “Cretton finished.

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