Is it compatible with other bonds and how is it obtained with the Ruth? – On Court


Among the different bonuses and benefits granted by the State through the Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades Program (SSyOO), one of the most relevant and required, is the Homeowner Bonus or Protection Bonus. Non-applicable benefit and that grants a monthly monetary contribution charged to the Treasury to those who participate in any of the sub-programs of the mentioned SSyOO.

Although its objective is to encourage participation in the sub-programs Street, Links, Family and Opening Paths, its final use will always be at the discretion of the beneficiary and is granted for 2 years (24 months) as long as it remains within SSyOO.

Your payment is made by deposit in the bank account of the collector or, failing that, CuentaRut that will be opened by the Ministry of Social Development for it. While in its face-to-face version, it can be charged at the Los Héroes Compensation Fund and branches of State Bank corresponding to the user’s address.

How do you access Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades?

To enter Chile Securities and Opportunities families and individuals do not need to apply, but they should be part of the Household Social Registry.

Families are selected by the Ministry of Social Development, through the RSH, based on their characteristics, and invited to participate. In case of accepting, families and individuals must expressly express their willingness to participate and to comply with the required conditions by signing a letter of commitment.

Is the Homeowner Bonus compatible with other benefits?

Yes. This voucher does not prevent the receipt of others such as the Emergency Family Income or others created during the pandemic., since these are exceptional benefits and motivated by the state of emergency in which the country is located as a result of Covid-19. So its obtaining does not mean the loss of other benefits.

What are the values ​​of the Homeowner Bonus

The monthly amount to be paid per household or user, is differentiated in time, depending on the period of execution of the psychosocial support (PHC), according to the following sections:

  • The first 6 months the bonus amounts to $ 17,970.
  • From month 7 to month 12, the bonus is $ 13.676.
  • From month 13 to month 18 the bonus is $ 9.402.
  • From month 19 to 24 the bonus is $ 13,155 (value corresponds to SUF amount).

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