After the opening of 5 educational establishments in the Metropolitan region this Monday, the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, celebrated the reopening of the schools, which already add 70 establishments that have returned to the presence throughout the country, pointing out that the process has been “positive”.
With respect to the last open, they correspond to the Los Andes, Tabancura and Huelén de Vitacura schools, and the Bicentenario Santa María and Cordillera de Las Condenas schools, according to La Tercera.
Figueroa pointed out that “to date there are 70 establishments that have reopened their doors for their students. The experience we have gathered has been positive, they have done it in a safe, voluntary and gradual way, this means that it is by small groups, to precisely ensure compliance with health requirements ”.
“This process of gradual opening has been monitored throughout the country, by the teams of the regional ministerial secretariats of Education and also of Health, we believe that it is positive that by complying with health measures, the establishments decide to be available for their students, and that in this way they can recover their valuable school experience ”, he said.