The South American office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, administered by the former president Michelle Bachelet, harshly summoned the Government and assured that it is worrying “the continuous and unconditional support to the forces of order and security” after the case of the young man thrown into the Mapocho river by a Carabineros official last Friday.
By means of a public statement, entitled “Chile: UN Human Rights calls for accountability for police action”, the representative of the office, Jan Jarab, pointed out that “it is necessary to investigate and, if appropriate, judge and punish not only the individual responsibility of the Carabineros official directly involved, but also Investigate the possible responsibility of the commanders in charge of the operation, since the omission of assistance by the Carabineros to the victim is of particular concern, which had to be assisted by other protesters and civil rescue workers, “where he emphasizes that” civil rescue workers deserve all the recognition and support of Chilean society. “
The senator also criticized the role of prosecutor Ximena Chong in the hearing to formalize the cash that threw the minor into the river.
Published by Publimetro Chile on Monday, October 5, 2020
In a harsh summons to the Chilean authorities, the UN office suggests that the case occurred on Friday “It is not exceptional, but adds to the already extensive list of other cases of human rights violations by forces of order committed in the context of social demonstrations, which have been documented in different reports at the international and national level, such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights itself after his mission in 2019, those of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the National Institute of Human Rights, and even after these reports. “
Along these lines, the representative of the office ensures that “The continuous and unconditional support to the forces of order and security worries, as they are repeated behaviors. I call for the patterns to be identified and the causes that favor these behaviors to be analyzed. “
Incidentally, the statement from the UN office states that “a profound reform of the forces of order and security is needed, based on professionalization of its agents, training in human rights, subordination to civil authority and especially, accountability mechanisms at all levels. “
And he closes: “It is also necessary to address the structural causes of conflict in society, such as socioeconomic inequality and social inequity. The State must protect the human rights of all people in conditions of equality and non-discrimination“.