The “Constituent Unit” pact, registered 4 candidates for the primaries for regional governor of Los Lagos.
The list is integrated by three former mayors and a regional councilor, which will have to define the letter of the sector next month.
Before the Electoral Service, the Christian Democracy, the Party for Democracy, Radical and Socialist, they entered their options for regional governor.
The DC opted for the experience and put on the table the name of Patricio Vallespín, with a long career in Congress and also in 2004 he was regional chief, who in conversation with Radio Bío Bío He detailed his qualifications to run for office.
From the PPD, they opted for the former mayor Leonardo de La Prida, who considers himself “independent” and with the power to make autonomous decisions, despite having been sponsored by a political party.
The former mayor, Nofal Abud, is the option of the Radical Party. The aspiring regional governor, maintained that his name represents the renewal of politics.
The Socialist Party, meanwhile, after internal disputes, registered Francisco Reyes, current regional councilor for the province of Osorno and former government minister, who defined himself as a man of the land who knows the regional reality.
The four names registered by the “Constituent Unit” block agreed that they were waiting a single large primary for the center left, but the Broad Front decided not to join the pact.
The primaries are scheduled for november, date where the name that must compete with the other options and the official letters will be known.