Emme Maribel Muñiz Lopez He impressed users of social networks by his resemblance to his father. The daughter of Jennifer Lopez Y Marc Anthony starred in a tender video, which generated a debate among the followers of the “Diva del Bronx”.
To celebrate National Daughters Day, JLo shared the moving message that Emme dedicated to her: “Hi Mom! I just want to let you know that you are the best mom … in the whole world, and I couldn’t ask for a better one, ”she says at the beginning.
“And I really miss you, and I love you… Well, I want to do this before you come because it’s supposed to be a surprise. But yes, I really love you and you are the best mom in the whole world, and I don’t know what I would do without you … I love you very much, ”says Emme in the video, where only her face is seen.
This is what the daughter of JLo and Marc Anthony looks like
Proud, Jennifer Lopez wrote “You are my sun and all my heart” as the legend of the clip. The publication on Instagram has more than 2 million reproductions and more than 5 thousand comments, where the fans of the singer and actress debated who she is most similar to.
“It’s a Mini Marc”; “It is her clone”,. fans commented that they think he looks more like his father.
However, others affirm that he does have an air of JLo: “He looks like his mother”; “If you look at her and Jen side by side and at the photos of Jen younger, she looks like her mother.”
Emme was born on February 22, 2008 in New York with her twin, Maximillian David Muñiz. The 12-year-old girl dazzles with her prodigious voice and also amazes the world with her first book, called “Lord Help Me.”
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