This Saturday morning, as a guest to the covid-19 balance, the Minister of Education Raúl Figueroa presented a “step by step” plan for the reopening of schools in the middle of the pandemic, focusing on three pillars: security, voluntariness and gradualism.
“Together with Minsal we have designed a step-by-step plan to reopen our schools. This plan has three pillars that are essential: security, voluntariness and gradualism “, Figueroa left.
What does it mean to be safe? “No school is opened if the conditions are not met that allow it, if it is not located in a territory where the sanitary conditions give way to generate that opening and if this establishment does not comply with the protocols that the Ministry of Health has indicated, ”he explained.
Regarding voluntariness, Figueroa explained that this measure ensures that the schools themselves will decide whether to reopen or not and that, in doing so, attendance will also be optional.
“No parent is going to be obligated to have their child attend. We must take care so that those who attend, such as those who by their own decision stay at home, can receive all the support ”, he added.
“Third is gradualness. To comply with these protocols, that does not mean that those establishments that can open do so for everyone. We have recommended starting with higher levels, third and fourth half ”, he specified.
According to the head of the Mineduc, this plan has seven steps: sanitary conditions must be met, protocols must be adapted and complied with, kits health, the school has to comply with measures according to its reality, it must work directly with the educational communities, an induction of education assistants must be carried out with teachers and – if all of the above is fulfilled – the request will only be derived from the Ministry of Education for the eventual reopening.
“Reopening schools is a very important element for the maximum development of our children and young people, but it will not be carried out if they do not provide the security conditions that allow us to take that step ”, he closed.
According to Figueroa, so far they have almost 300 applications formalized reopening throughout Chile, of which 60 have been accepted.
The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris appreciated Figueroa’s presentation and said this plan should provide security for parents with school-age children.