He 16 year old teenager that according a video broadcast tonight, He fell to the bed of the Mapocho River on Friday afternoon after being pushed by a police officer, amid the protests in Santiago, he is stable, confirmed this Saturday morning the director of the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Sergio Micco.
After visiting the minor at the Santa María Clinic, in the Providencia district, Micco announced that the NHRI will officiate the militarized police for their actions in the incident.
“We were with his mother and the young people who participated in the demonstration, and they point out that the Carabineros de Chile participated in the event”the director said in a video uploaded after midnight on Twitter.
“We are collecting all the information and evaluating what legal actions to present”added the lawyer.
🔴 INDH Director, Sergio Micco, refers to the young man’s health and the witness accounts collected. pic.twitter.com/lFwqk0qLif
– NHRI Chile (inddhh) October 3, 2020
After a video revealed that a Carabineros official pushed the teenager from the Pío Nono bridge, Lieutenant Colonel Rodrigo Soto, of the Santiago Oriente Prefecture, made a spokesperson in which he described the incident as an “unfortunate accident”, and pointed out that “all the information will be made available to the Public Ministry.”
For its part, Ombudsman for Children announced that it will file a criminal complaint in this case.