Piñera assures that the Government “is not neutral” before a plebiscite and slides desire for a new Constitution | National


In the framework of the International Day of Non-Violence, and in a speech this Friday afternoon, President Sebastián Piñera affirmed that his Government is not neutral to the constitutional process nor to the referendum in October, an intervention in which his desire to have a new Magna Carta for the country slipped.

“We have two firm and clear commitments: first, to organize a plebiscite that is transparent, participatory, informed and safe; and second, contribute so that in Chile we can have a Constitution that is the great framework of unity, stability and projection of our country ”, he said.

“A Constitution that gathers our democratic and republican traditions, the profound principles and values ​​of Chilean society and that it organizes and establishes the powers of the State, in such a way that they are always at the service of the people ”, he added.

Given the busy electoral calendar that Chile faces, with seven elections in the coming months; the head of state asked citizens to exercise your right to vote so that you can express your opinion at the polls, “With respect and peace.”

“On Election Day, something very beautiful happens: the voices of the candidates, of the parties and the voice of the people is heard loud and clear, which is the one who has the right to define the paths of the future ”, he added.

Finally, Piñera said that he hopes that Chile will learn from the lessons of the past and that it condemn and banish violence in order to live together again “as people who can think differently, but who we are all part of the same country and we share the same future “, Hill.


This slippage by the President runs counter to what, for months, he has been trying to cement in his administration: prevent government figures from openly advocating for approval or rejection.

In january La Moneda imposed the presidency in the cabinetIn other words, no one could show a position before the referendum that was born from the historic agreement reached by the political forces in the early morning of November 15 in response to the social outbreak of October 18.

The Executive’s decision caused annoyance both in the ruling party and in the opposition and for months it was fulfilled by the conglomerate.

However, there were exceptions. One of them involved the Metropolitan Mayor, Felipe Guevara; who in an interview with El Mercurio commented that as a government they wanted a new constitution of a participatory nature to be created.

Apart from him, the mayor of Santiago, Felipe Alessandri, also went for the Approval, a different position than that taken, for example, by the seremi de Energía de Ñuble and the governor of Itata, Manuel Cofré and Rossana Yáñez, who went for the Rejection.

After months of little filtering or control, in August, and with its fifth cabinet, the Government announced that its general secretariat would prepare instructions for all authorities in matters of disregard, so that it “understood and respected.”

“The ministers, undersecretaries, mayors, governors obviously have an opinion. Those of us who have been parliamentarians in the past have expressed it publicly before. But President has asked us to (…) ministers, undersecretaries, mayors and governors to dispense in public events “Spokesman Jaime Bellolio commented on that occasion.

Finally, the document was disclosed at the cabinet council on September 10. In the middle of the meeting, the Ministry of the Interior issued the instructions that in real terms is not different from other previously published texts for different electoral acts.

Specific, had 47 points where the actions of those who make up the Executive at its different levels were delimited.
