“I, Johanna Hernández, want to make it clear that I know Denisse Llanos only as a representative of my children’s school and we have never had a greater relationship than only of representatives of the same course”.
This is how the letter written this October 1 begins with which the professor’s former partner Nibaldo Villegas placeholder image confirms that he knows the mother of Amber Dogwood, the teenager from Villa Alemana who was brutally murdered last August, and for whose crime the woman and her partner are being prosecuted, Hugo Bustamante.
Both cases were widely reported in the media, but What is the specific relationship between them?

: Threatened with death: the first days of Ámbar’s mother in the San Miguel prison
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The two were seized from the same school in Villa Alemana. More than that, a son of Johanna was Amber’s classmate. This was ratified in the letter in his own hand signed by Johanna hernandez, by which the woman wanted to avoid guesswork.
“I want it to be clear that there is no link on my part with her and there will not be either”, points out sharply in the writing.
The truth is that if Denisse Llanos is convicted, she will have to serve her sentence in the San Joaquín prison, the same one where Hernández is. For now, Llanos is in preventive prison, but in the San Miguel prison.
In the place she is isolated due to possible attacks from the rest of the inmates. Also by a rigorous Gendarmerie protocol that indicates that you must do preventive quarantine.
: Son of Nibaldo Villegas sues Johanna Hernández so that he does not receive an inheritance Read more
Andrea Castro, a psychologist from the Gendarmería, comments on this situation that “for the female prison population, the entry of crimes against children is very complex since they, for the most part, are deprived of liberty, are deprived of seeing their own children. Therefore, it generates a situation and a feeling of injustice that generates conflict within the penal unit. “
While, Patrick Olivares he knows more than anyone about these cases. He was a lawyer for Nibaldo’s family and now represents Ámbar’s father. For the jurist, this “clearly turns out to be a macabre coincidence that both defendants, both for the crime of Professor Nibaldo and the crime of Ámbar, have had some prior contact with the commission of crimes and have known each other, even in the future it may fall into the possibility that they may even share a criminal offense, which clearly causes a strange feeling. “