The second room of the constitutional Court (TC) accepted the appeal of the Secretary of the Senate, Raul Guzman, who is investigated by endanger public health.
However, he unanimously rejected the request for suspend the process that continues against him in criminal justice.
The TC also granted a period of ten days to the parties to the criminal process so that they can formulate their observations regarding the admissibility of the request.
In this way, Guzmán could be formalized on November 19 for violating article 318 of the Penal Code, after go to eat at the restaurant “Loyola” of San Miguel in the middle of the quarantine by covid-19.
Guzmán, formerly the South Metropolitan Regional Prosecutor, attended this location in June, accompanied by the South Zone prosecutor, Patrick Rosas; and the consulting attorney from the same area, Roberto break. Both will also be formalized.
Too the owners of the premises will be charged, Edelberto Loyola and Diego Aristondo; in addition to another lawyer, who is presumed to have taken the photograph that allowed to know the fact that was revealed by BioBioChile.
Guzmán’s defense concurred to the TC demanding the unenforceability of unconstitutionality of the aforementioned article and thus render the case against you without effect.
This article describes an ongoing legal process
There is a possibility that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation, therefore The accused (s) should NOT be considered guilty until Justice dictates sentence against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)