The deputies that make up the PPD bench agreed to give their full support to the bill that allows AFP affiliates to make a second withdrawal of their funds, and called on the rest of the parliamentarians to unite around this initiative.
“As authors of one of the projects that allowed the first withdrawal of 10%, we have decided to be consistent and support the project that allows a second withdrawal of pension funds as a way to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. the Government does not put on the table a direct transfer of resources such as an Emergency Basic Income, which ensures an important income for middle-class families and vulnerable sectors of the country, it is impossible not to support this initiative, “said the chief of bench, Raúl Soto.
The parliamentarian indicated that “the campaign of terror that said that the effects of withdrawing pension funds would be very harmful to the economy, were totally false and were thus denied in fact. By the end of the year, many people will continue to need the money to face the effects of the pandemic, and this project allows all people to withdraw their savings and endure these months of crisis with dignity.
For her part, the Deputy Head of the Bench and co-author of the project that allows the second withdrawal, Loreto Carvajal, affirmed that “I am fully available for this project to be approved before Christmas, and I hope that the rest of the parliamentarians have the same disposition. Due to the consequences of the pandemic in our country, there is currently a very tough economic need, which seeks solutions, which have not reached a high percentage of the population by the Government. “
“With the first withdrawal, the economy was reactivated despite the bad omens of the toughest sector on the right. We believe that with a second withdrawal, the positive effects on the economy will be repeated,” said deputy Carvajal.
Likewise, the deputy Rodrigo González, indicated that “given the failure of the Government to provide social assistance to families, especially to informal sectors, which have not received emergency family income, and to SMEs, which have not received aid, Today it is increasingly necessary to approve a new withdrawal of 10% of the funds accumulated in the AFPs “.
“It is not the definitive solution, but for the social assistance that the vast majority of Chileans require today, it is a solution, to the extent that the government does not approve an emergency basic income for a period that lasts the entire time of the pandemic , and continue the deprivation of jobs, “said Deputy González.
Meanwhile, Deputy Carolina Marzán indicated that “the withdrawal is voluntary, so that people are free to do it or not, but we cannot prejudge that the needs do not exist. Despite the fact that the purpose and purpose of these funds are for pensions , they correspond to money that emanates from the work of each one. The needs are today, the hunger is now and the desperation before the uncertainty of the pandemic must be attenuated through all the tools that we have available. “
“Of course, we must be careful in the event that about 4 million Chileans are left without funds and urgently propose a medium and long-term work to improve the pension system in our country, with components of solidarity, not only supported in individual capitalization “, concluded Deputy Marzán.