Mayor of Pirque for calling not to attend classes this Thursday: “Nothing is being done required” | National


Rejection generated among the teachers the decision to return to face-to-face classes at five establishments starting this Thursday in Pirque. Teachers called on parents and guardians not to send their children and accused that the measure was adopted without consulting the educational community.

In conversation with It could be worse, he mayor Cristián Balmaceda indicated that he was struck by the press conference held by a teachers’ union where he was accused of being responsible for insist on resuming academic activities in educational campuses.

For this reason, he clarified that “there is no instruction from me, as mayor, to return to classes, none. What we have spoken with the directors and technical teams of the schools is because a long time ago there was a group of parents who asked us’ when are we going to be able to return with the children?

He assured that he meets every Monday with the directors and management teams of the schools and they would have made him see that “It was possible to analyze the opening of schools so that some children could arrive, but not all”.

It was thus, as he said, that all the directors decided that “The best thing is to receive the students who leave, for example, to the third and fourth half, to be able to help them to better prepare the PSU ”.

He stated that “before entering classes they will do tests of the teachers. In fact, today it was done to a group of teachers, all the protocol that exists was taken care of, we have the kits that the ministry sent to deliver to each one of the children ”.

Balmaceda added that “There are few children who have requested and declared to return, but those few children we have an obligation to receive.” He gave an example that in a four half, there are only six.

But beyond the figure, he summoned the teachers: “Do I have to say to those six children that I am not going to receive them? That is the crossroads because there are parents who tell us that ‘I want to send my son because I want him to help him. So, why are we going to tell him that we are not going to receive them “, he questioned.

He also stressed that no one is obliged to return to classes, not attorneys or teachers.

In his opinion, an unnecessary controversy has been generated because “nothing is being done, neither required nor required ”, he closed.

Check out the full interview:
