Government blames machismo by insisting on the urgency of reopening schools and gardens


The website of the government-announced employment subsidy -which has a special emphasis, it has been indicated, in women, young people and people with disabilities- has already received about 100 thousand visits in its first hours of operation.

In addition, on its first day, the authorities reported that 900 employers have re-registered their workers.

The plan consists of a grant to create new jobs that the remuneration of new hires will reach up to 50 percent with a ceiling of up to 250 thousand pesos per month.

In the case of women, young people and people with disabilities, this hiring subsidy will be higher, so it will be extended to 60 percent of their salaries and up to 270 thousand pesos per month.

Opening of schools, nurseries and kindergartens

However, for the effectiveness of the plan, the focus has been on the need to reopen schools, nurseries and kindergartens, since the care of children, according to the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, affects – given the machismo of society – especially women.

“As our economy picks up (pace), It is also essential that schools, nurseries and kindergartens also resume and open, naturally with the appropriate safeguards, but it is necessary to advance further, for an issue of facilitating the incorporation of women into the dynamism of the labor market, “said the Secretary of State.

In addition, the finance leader indicated that “you can give all the subsidies you want, but It is going to be more difficult for women, particularly in a rather macho society like the one we have, that although children are owned by a father and mother, the ones who pay the highest costs to generate or find job opportunities are women, so it is essential to advance in this opening“.

“There is an issue of stewardship”

On the importance of co-responsibility in the care of sons and daughters, the Minister of Labor, Maria Jose ZaldivarHe pointed out that it is always women who have this social responsibility, and called for this to change.

“Now when we talk about the issue of women, we have to try to move forward and it cannot be that we continue to link the care of children exclusively to women. Here is a topic of co-responsibility “, Zaldívar pointed out.

It cannot be that today that we are talking about a reopening, a reincorporation, we will once again make the position of caring for children solely for women. Here is an issue that we have to look for, a mechanism to be able to move forward decisively, because as a society it does us good, “he argued.

Along the same lines, from the Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC) pointed out that, although there are good figures and the economy must be boosted, the necessary measures need to be taken in relation to the reopening of schools and also other educational facilities.

“We, as employers, have the will and interest to move forward in resuming activity, resuming jobs. many families there is also the problem of nurseries or schools, and I think that we should also be able to move forward there, “said the president of the CPC, Juan Sutíl.

The business leader also said that “the structure is well defined” to face this situation, and that both the private and the public sector must “take responsibility for this point. “

Likewise, the economist Juan Bravo explained that “the subsidy can never be thought of as an isolated policy, to think that with the subsidy of employment for women we are ready and with that the problem is solved, of course not, here the two gigantic challenges that are structural and not conjunctural : one has to do with all the labor laws that make hiring women more expensive, and the other has to do precisely with quality care services “.

“The Government is prioritizing economic interests over health”

For its part, from the Teachers College criticized this call to re-boost the economy, going hand in hand with the reopening of educational facilities, and indicated that this shows that the government “privileges the economic”.

The statements of the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones, are very brutal, they are very stark, typical of an economist with little social sensitivity, but they have the value of frankness“commented the President of the College of Teachers, Mario Aguilar.

“What the minister has done is to be honest about the real reasons why the Government has pushed with such force a reopening of schools, a return to face-to-face classes, despite the fact that, obviously, the conditions for it are not there: the reasons are exclusively economic. Here it is shown that we are in the presence of a government that is prioritizing economic interests over health, “added the entity’s leader.
