From La Moneda, the President Sebastián Piñera presented the “Employment subsidy plan“to help people who have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic that has lasted for almost seven months.
The initiative contemplates 2,000 million to create a million jobs.
The President commented that more than 1.8 million jobs have been lost in this pandemic “equivalent to the jobs we had created with so much effort in the last 10 years.”
This plan, added Piñera, “also protects companies, especially micro, small and medium-sized ones.”
“The creation and recovery of lost jobs, the reactivation of our economy are essential to be able to give true security and opportunities to Chilean families to develop their full potential,” he added.
The plan contains two main points:
- Benefit equivalent to 50 percent of the gross salary of each new hire with a ceiling of 250 thousand pesos per month.
- In the case of female workers women, youth or people with disabilities, the benefit rises to 60 percent of the gross salary, with a ceiling of 270 thousand pesos per month.
“Only women can access this subsidy companies that increase the total number of workers hired with respect to the month of July of the year 2020 and that, in addition, they maintain at least 80 percent of the payroll of workers that they had at that date, “said the President.
- Job recovery:
- 160 thousand pesos a month to companies for each suspended worker return to your job full time.
- Addressed to companies that have had a drop of 20 percent or more in your sales or income during the months of April to July of this year, compared to the same period of 2019.
⚠️ATTENTION⚠️ The #Employment subsidy announced today seeks to recover and create new jobs🇨🇱💪🏼In addition, it has a special focus on the groups most affected by the health crisis, women, youth and people with disabilities. Here more details👇🏼#ChileSeRecupera pic.twitter.com/dh7C8SPNyO
– Ministry of Labor (@MintrabChile) September 27, 2020
Workers over 18 years of age, whose gross remuneration does not exceed 961,500 pesos per month, that is, the equivalent of three minimum incomes, may apply for these benefits and can be accessed from tomorrow until March 31, 2021 through employment subsidy .cl.
“To access both subsidies, companies with more than 200 workers as of July of this year they will not be able to distribute profits Except for the minimum established by law, and during the period that they receive these benefits, they will have to comply with that condition, “Piñera explained.
President Sebastián Piñera also announced that the delivery of the Emergency Family Income will be extended for two more months.