Coquimbo region registers 75 new cases of Covid-19


In a new health balance, health authorities reported 75 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the region to 11,823 accumulated cases and 647 active.

In this regard, the Regional Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Coquimbo, Alejandro García, gave details of the new cases, informing that “4 belong to La Serena, 25 to Coquimbo, 4 to Andacollo, 1 to Paihuano, 9 to Illapel, 1 to Canela, 1 to Los Vilos, 5 to Salamanca, 17 to Ovalle, 2 to Combarbalá, 3 to Monte Patria, 1 to Punitaqui, 1 to another region and 1 case without notification in the epivigila system ”.

Likewise, the seremi made a special call to the population to consult in time in case of having respiratory symptoms. “If you have a cough, fever, decay, or headache, go and see a health center in a timely manner so that they can take a PCR test and thus detect the disease in time,” he emphasized.

88 people hospitalized for Covid-19 in the region

Dr. Alejandra Álvarez, Assistant Director of Assistance Management of the Coquimbo Health Service, delivered the balance of the network, informing that today the occupation of beds reaches 69%. “Of the 1,232 beds currently endowed, 338 are available. And in relation to the beds of the Critical Patient Units, we have 18 ICU beds, which are those that have mechanical ventilators, and 20 ICUs available. Units with 77% and 72% occupancy, respectively, “he said.

In addition, the Health Service authority delivered the report of patients hospitalized for Covid-19 in the region. “Today we have 88 people hospitalized as a result of the virus, of which 30 are seriously ill and require mechanical ventilation. In addition, we have 48 patients in home hospitalization for Covid-19, so I would like to reiterate that all the health teams of the different hospitals are giving everything to care for each of the patients, but we need the entire community to continue supporting us and respecting preventive measures in order to reduce these figures ”, he commented.

Regional Balance:

75 new cases

11,823 accumulated cases

647 active cases

207 dead


  • 04 to La Serena
  • 25 to Coquimbo
  • 04 from Andacollo
  • 01 and Paihuano
  • 09 the Illapel
  • 01 cinnamon
  • 01 from Los Vilos
  • 05 from Salamanca
  • 17 Ovalle
  • 02 of Combarbalá
  • 03 from Monte Patria
  • 01 from Punitaqui
  • 01 from another region
  • 01 case without notification in the epivigila system

Sanitary Residences:

24% occupancy.


88 hospitalized patients and 30 on mechanical ventilation.
