Pablo Longueira: “I’m working on how to make the murderers of Jaime Guzmán go free” | National


In a surprising statement, the former UDI member, Pablo Longueira, declared the need to close wounds with respect to the political violence that dragged on since the dictatorship. He is even working to find a way for the murderers of Senator Jaime Guzmán to regain their freedom.

“We must close part of our history with pain and success. We cannot drag future generations to what we live. We moved to democracy, it was done well, the country has grown, there are thousands of homes that have a professional for the first time, ”the former minister and former senator began by explaining during the Central Table program on Channel 13.

When asked if everything possible has been done to heal those wounds, Longueira was emphatic in denying it.

“Not. There are things pending that I would like to discuss. How we closed that stage of pain with the families that experienced political violence, with the members of the Armed Forces. Even more, I would like to see that those who murdered Jaime Guzmán obtain their freedom. I am working to heal those wounds. With greatness, without revenge. With humanism ”, he sentenced.

Regarding how he is working to achieve that task, the former UDI presidential candidate avoided going into details.

“It is something that is being worked on. I am working with various professionals. I’m talking to people I want to keep in reserve. There are many people who may have worked on events related to human rights violations, but they were sergeants, they were drivers. If they weren’t there, they were running a risk ”, he assured.

He also had words for the members of the Judiciary.

“Many judges today would like, in justice, to rule differently. There are cases of judges who would like to reach the Supreme Court, but because they participated in a ruling where they released a military officer, they are vetoed. It just happened with a member who was running for the Supreme Court (Raúl Mera, linked to the Los Queñes case). This cannot continue, it must be closed, ”Longueira concluded.
