“It was a mistake and I admit it”, noted the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue (PC) when starting your tweet. “I hope that from now on we can give discussions within the framework of respect. I was wrong without a doubt and responded inadequately to an unsubstantiated criticism ”.
The text was the mayor’s response to the interpellation of journalist Sebastián Esnaola, in the face of a controversy in which he became entangled with the senator José Miguel Insulza (PS). It so happened that in a conversation for a program broadcast by Facebook Live, Jadue responded to the criticism that the former Interior Minister gave him during his participation in the Zero Tolerance program. On that occasion, he pointed out that, regarding the UN report on the situation of human rights in Venezuela, the mayor “It does not clearly express a commitment to democracy.”
Jadue’s reply came in the aforementioned online transmission and focused on the role that Insulza played, as head of the Interior, during the period of arrest of former dictator Augusto Pinochet in London, between October 1998 and March 2000.
“Insulza has taken a false step that also shows that he is not up to the task of even being a presidential candidate”Jadue pointed out. Then he added. “In this kind of senile dementia that attacks him from time to time, it is forgotten that the one who said that he had more democratic credentials than I had been an official of the dictatorship and that he worked at El Mercurio as an editor at the time El Mercurio covered up the crimes of the dictatorship. Nor is it remembered that he was the promoter of a foreign intervention that almost ended with a coup ”.
The mayor’s words also led a group of 122 people to sign a letter of repudiation. “We condemn the expressions of the mayor, as well as all those demonstrations that from various platforms and social networks only exhibit hatred, insults and tedious bravado”, the letter reads, which among others, was signed by some former ministers of the Concertación such as Eduardo Aninat, Andrés Velasco, Edmundo Pérez Yoma and Mariana Aylwin.