A summary determined the dismissal of administrative responsibility to the officials of the Hospital San José de Melipilla, who were accused by the Carabineros of refusing the attention of three police officers with symptoms of Covid-19 last June.
The event occurred on June 18, when the Carabineros denounced that the head of the Emergency Department of the Melipilla healthcare facility did not want to attend to two sergeants and a police officer, stating that “I do not attend pacos”.
The Government reproached the incident and the Melipilla Prosecutor’s Office and the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic opened an investigation, in addition to opening an internal summary of the hospital to verify the situation.
At the end of June, meanwhile, the Colmed investigation concluded that the Carabineros’ complaint did not match the truth, but the administrative summary was missing that was announced today, which pointed to the dismissal of administrative responsibility of the officials.
“According to the report of the Prosecutor designated for the investigation of the case, the conviction was not formed that discrimination had been and humiliated the police officers, nor that the phrase “I do not attend pacos” had been pointed out and neither that the attention had been denied by officials, “the document dictated.
And he added that: “It also highlights that previous attentions to Carabineros are recorded” and that discrimination against officials of said institution is “ruled out and that the attention of the two officials was credited, except for Carabinero Alvarado, on the grounds that he did not expect this instance”.
“Finally, what The Hospital acted in accordance with what was ruled by the health authority“, he indicated and concluded that” based on these arguments, the person in charge of the investigation suggested dismissing administrative responsibility and enhance the respective training “.
[#NOTICIAS] Summary dismissal of administrative responsibility to officials of the @hosp_melipilla Regarding possible refusal of attention to personnel of @Carabdechile.
The details and the exempt resolution with the result in https://t.co/Gr1XQWaLgf pic.twitter.com/tZyzat5Rxn– Colmed Chile (@colmedchile) September 25, 2020