This Friday the Health authorities delivered a new report on the pandemic situation in the country. On this occasion it was evidenced that the “second wave” in the Magallanes region continues to increase, while Los Lagos has a record of infections, reaching 222.
The Health Minister, Enrique Paris, referred to the balance, explaining that the integrated network of laboratories reported 37,600 PCR, reaching a total of 3,150,848 at the country level to date, reflecting a high capacity for sample processing.
Paris emphasized that “the 37,653 PCR that are reported today is largely due to field work and the fundamental role played by the PHC and the municipalities in the active search for cases, which allows strengthening the national traceability strategy” .
He added that 2,222 new cases of COVID-19 were reported this Friday. Of these, 23% originate from Active Case Search (BAC), adding that 32% of those notified are asymptomatic. As for the Metropolitan region, it presents 17% by BAC and 25% of the reported cases are asymptomatic ”.
Meanwhile, the positivity rate for the last 24 hours is 6.2% and the average for the last 7 days is 6.7%. The variation of new confirmed cases at the national level decreases 10% for the last seven days, 5% for the last 14 days.
Regarding the detail of the report, 2,222 new cases of COVID-19 are reported – the highest number since last July 25 -, of which 1,475 correspond to symptomatic people and 694 do not present symptoms. In addition, 53 Positive PCR tests were recorded that were not reported.
The total number of people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the country reaches 453,868. Of this total, 12,761 patients are in the active stage.
Regarding deaths, according to the information provided by the Department of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS), In the last 24 hours there were 58 deaths from causes associated with COVID-19. The total number of deceased amounts to 12,527 in the country
To date, 891 people are hospitalized in Intensive Care Units, of which 655 are on mechanical ventilation support and 137 are in critical health. Regarding the Integrated Health Network, there are a total of 483 ventilators available for the patient who requires it.
Regarding the Laboratory Network and the diagnostic capacity, This Thursday the results of 37,653 PCR tests were reported, reaching a total of 3,150,848 tests analyzed nationwide to date. On this last point, it should be noted that it is the second day with the highest processing of PCR tests since the pandemic began.
Figures by region:
Cases in Los Lagos: