Ámbar case: investigation establishes that the mother bought wax with which the body was hidden


His judicial status remains as a witness, waiting for us to carry out the necessary procedures to verify if this is the case or if any other hypothesis is fulfilled.

These words said the head of the Valparaíso Homicide Brigade, Erick Martinez, on August 11, to refer to the judicial situation that had Denisse Llanos (38), the mother of Dogwood Amber (16), in the investigation carried out by the PDI together with the Villa Alemana Prosecutor’s Office.

46 days after the couple from Llanos, Hugo Bustamante, was formalized for the crimes of rape with femicide and illegal burial for the crime of Ámbar, the case took an important turn, although not unexpected. Although at the beginning the prosecution reiterated that Llanos appeared in the case only as a witness, there were always suspicions at the PDI. They did see this in the reports they delivered to the Public Ministry. The evidence pointed to the Llanos declaration, which contained very precise details of how the femicide occurred.

The woman testified on August 6, eight days after Ámbar Cornejo was murdered, and his testimony became the linchpin of the whole case, as Only with his story could Amber’s body be found and to arrest Bustamante, who is in preventive detention in the High Security Prison of Santiago. That time the woman said that on Wednesday August 29 her daughter, who did not live with her, went to Bustamante’s house, located in German Villa, to withdraw the alimony that his father sent him. Llanos said that Ámbar then left and that she also left home with her son. After that event, Llanos said that Ámbar returned to Bustamante’s house to look for her cell phone that she had left. At that time the murder and rape would have occurred. Llanos said that that day she went with her other son to Limache and that she found out about the crime on Saturday, August 1, when she returned to her partner’s house and Bustamante told her what he did. According to her account, he threatened her and told her that if she confessed, he would kill her son and his parents.

However, the procedures that were carried out after finding Ámbar’s body made it possible to establish that Llanos omitted relevant facts in his statement and that he also lied. Sources familiar with the investigation assure that the prosecution and the PDI, after registering witnesses and reviewing security cameras, came up with information that allowed Llanos to be linked to the place and circumstances of the crime.

The truth, as the investigation has now established, is that Ámbar never kept her cell phone with Bustamante. Her mother called her the day before to find her pension. The teenager arrived at 9 a.m. and Llanos made her enter the house, something that never happened, since the young woman had a bad relationship with Bustamante. The evidence collected shows that Ámbar never left that house. Llanos did it around 9.40, after her son arrived from school.

That Wednesday July 29, Llanos and Bustamante had telephone and text message conversations throughout the day and night. This background, in the opinion of the investigators, would be indications that he had been aware of what happened.

The evidence that the prosecutor María José Bowen and the PDI have, in turn, reveal another even more relevant fact. The next day, Llanos arrived at 8:00 a.m. where Bustamante was taking with him materials that his partner had commissioned him. One of those products was a floor waxes that Llanos herself, according to the investigation, would have bought in Limache. Those were the waxes that Bustamante used to hide Ámbar’s body. The material was crucial, because it allowed to camouflage the new boards with which the corpse was covered and also because its strong scent of paraffin allowed to neutralize any odor from the body that was buried in the living room of the house.

Llanos will be formalized at 11.00 in the Villa Alemana Court of Guarantee. Bowen said that “She is accused of the crime of parricide of her daughter Ámbar.”

The head of the Valparaíso BH, Subprefect Martínez, affirmed that in these weeks the “evidence and conviction necessary to be able to distort some facts (of his statement) and establish the person’s participation” could be compiled.
