Bill that typifies the crime of incitement to violence to the Senate after tough debate | National


FILE | Hans Scott | UNO Agency


The Chamber of Deputies and Deputies dispatched to Senate the bill that seeks to classify the crime of incitement to violence. In the particular vote, this new figure was rejected, but it was approved to sanction the denialism to the Human Rights violations committed by State agents during the civic-military dictatorship.

After a heated debate, the Chamber sent the bill to the Senate, with modifications proposed by the Human rights commission.

In the particular vote, the norm on incitement to physical violence was rejected, as it did not reach the affirmative votes required for a qualified quorum.

Meanwhile, the one referring to hate speech it did not reach a simple majority for approval.

Meanwhile, the norm that sanctions the denial of Human Rights violations committed by State agents during the civic-military dictatorship, was approved with 75 votes in favor, 66 against and 6 abstentions.

The deputy of National Renovation, Cristóbal Urruticoechea, He noted that a point can be reached of penalizing people who do not necessarily carry out discriminatory actions.

Your peer from the Communist Party, Carmen Hertz, for his part, he explained that it seeks to protect people from hate speech, which incites violence and discrimination.

On the other hand, the amendment to the law on freedom of opinion and information and the exercise of journalism was rejected.
