The world breaks a record and registers almost two million cases of covid-19 in a week | International


The world recorded about two million cases of covid-19 last week, a record figure, while the number of deaths decreased compared to the previous week, according to data released this Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO).

All regions of the world, except Africa, registered an increase in infections between September 14 and 20.

“From September 14 to 20, there were about two million new cases of covid-19, which represents an increase of 6% compared to the previous week and the highest number of cases since the start of the epidemic. In the same period, the number of deaths decreased by 10% and 37,700 deaths were registered, ”according to the Organization.

Total, more than 30.6 million cases and 950,000 deaths They have been registered since Covid-19 appeared late last year in China.

This number of positive cases only reflects a part of the whole, due to the disparate policies of different countries when it comes to diagnosing, since some only do it with those people who need hospitalization. Furthermore, in many poor countries the capacity to perform diagnostic tests is limited.

By countries, The United States, the most mourning in the world, and Brazil, the second most affected in number of deaths, continue to register the highest numbers of new deaths, with more than 5,000 new deaths each last week.

The American continent, which accounts for half of the cases registered in the world and 55% of the accumulated deaths since December, nevertheless registered a 22% decrease in the number of deaths last week, thanks to a decrease in deaths in countries like Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Bolivia.

By region, Europe, the scene of important outbreaks, crecorded 4,000 new deaths and it was the area that registered the greatest increase in the number of deaths (+ 27% compared to the previous week).

Southeast Asia, which registers 35% of new cases, registered 9,000 new deaths last week and has already exceeded 100,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

In Africa, the pandemic appears to be losing steam and last week, a reduction of 12% was recorded in the number of cases and 16% in the number of deaths.
