This Monday it was announced that the famous Japanese cat named Nobiko, who achieved fame in social networks for his elongated figure, died at the age of 18 due to heart failure.

In recent years, the kitten had been an internet sensation and the subject of a number of memes, all due to the shape of his body.

According to the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia, the information was released last Sunday by the owner himself, who indicated in a tweet that the cat had died “in peace.”

“Nobiko has just crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Padjusted to heart failure and fought for four hours. Nobiko did everything possible to the end ”, Indian.

The data indicates that Nobiko measured a total of 65 centimeters from the hind legs to the head, so it was considered as one of the longest cats in the world.

His first images were released in the distant 2004 and, since then, the first photo montages (memes) to make jokes with their shape.

That is why the network was again filled with graphic pieces in honor of the animal, which left no offspring because it was operated very young by its owners.