Charges are filed against a prosecutor and advisor to the Public Ministry who evaded quarantine with the secretary of the Senate National


A series of charges for violating the statute of the Public Ministry, the prosecutor Patricio Rosas and the advisor, Roberto Contreras, face since last week, who were discovered circumventing the quarantine together with the secretary of the Senate Raúl Guzmán, on June 25 in a restaurant in San Miguel.

The decision was adopted by Christian Toledo -in his capacity as administrative prosecutor-, after proving the disciplinary responsibility of Rosas and Contreras in the investigation through the security cameras near the premises, as well as the internal records of the building that houses to the South Regional Prosecutor’s Office, where they both work.

Basically, the statutory charges point to the aforementioned breaches of the rules of the internal regulations that establish that the entity’s officials “must strictly observe the principle of probity” and obey the orders issued from superiority.

Both Rosas and Contreras -who are suspended from their functions-, face a parallel criminal investigation for violating article 318 of the Penal Code that applies to those who violate sanitary regulations in times of pandemic, an investigation by the Regional Prosecutor of the Bío Bío, Marcela Cartagena. Guzmán is also included in the latter.

Likewise, the three were also sanctioned by the Seremi de Salud for this same act, with a sum of 2,500,000 pesos.

Possible penalties

The lunch took place on June 25 at around 1:30 p.m. and was revealed by the Radio Bío Research Unit Bío on July 7th through a photographic record. In it they appeared sitting at the table of the Loyola restaurant, when the Metropolitan Region reported more than 236,000 infected and 5,190 deaths.

Both the criminal and administrative investigation established that Guzmán, Rosas and Contreras, remained 1 hour and 45 minutes in the place, which in the first instance allowed to discard the version that the secretary of the Senate himself delivered to this medium when he was consulted about the situation: ” Every time I have left my home, I have done so with the pertinent permissions and communications or due to the needs of my functions. I also understand that food delivery or sale establishments can work, as food is an essential element ”, he indicated.

In front of the senators, meanwhile, Guzmán explained that his presence was due to the fact that he was looking for texts of Constitutional Law, a fact that is not consistent with the images of the security cameras, since when leaving the premises none of the diners carried any element .

If Guzmán did not have any authorization to travel to Santiago to have lunch in another commune, neither did Contreras y Rosas.

According to the investigation folder kept by the penquista prosecutor Marcela Cartagena, Rosas had a collective permit for face-to-face work, while Contreras to do it from home.

In fact, as this media revealed last week, both the first and the second arrived at work by car and left – after having seafood lunch, the specialty of the restaurant “Loyola” – after seven in the afternoon.

Currently, and despite the filing of charges, the administrative investigation remains paralyzed, after two presentations by those involved.

Different sources consulted by the Radio Bío Bío Research Unit, they estimate that the sanction that they could face would point to a fine that can be deducted from the salary, an entry in the resume and being unable to receive the annual bonus for the goals achieved.

The person who must make the decision will be the southern regional prosecutor Héctor Barros as the hierarchical superior.
