Trump will announce his nominee to fill RBG’s vacancy in the Supreme Court next week


The president of United States, Donald trump, stated this Saturday that he hopes to nominate his candidate next week to fill the vacancy left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, and that it will surely be a woman.

“I can see that it is most likely a woman. If someone asked me now, I would say a woman first. Choosing a woman I would say would certainly be appropriate, “Trump told reporters at the White House before leaving for North Carolina, where he is scheduled to hold a rally this afternoon.

Asked about when he will present his nominee to the Supreme Court, the president replied: “I think the election will be next week.”

Trump indicated that he has a list of about 45 people to choose.

The journalists asked him about two judges, the Latina Barbara Lagoa and Amy Coney Barrett, two justices Trump has said the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate likes, Mitch McConnell, to which the president replied that “They are both highly respected.”

Trump was also questioned about the fact that he is going to present a Supreme Court nominee before the elections on November 3, when Republicans blocked former President Barack Obama from doing so in 2016 before the elections of that year.

“That is a consequence of losing an election”Trump noted.

Hours earlier, the president had urged Republicans on Twitter to fill “without delay” the vacancy left in the Supreme Court by Bader Ginsburg, who He passed away on Friday at the age of 87.

Addressing the Republican Party, Trump tweeted: “We have been put in a position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who proudly elected us, the most important of which has long been considered the selection of the justices of the US Supreme Court! We have this obligation, without delay! “

The death of the judge has unleashed a pulse between Republicans and Democrats about finding a replacement, a matter that it will radically change the dynamics of the campaign for the presidential elections.

The US Supreme Court is made up of nine lifetime magistrates who have the power to change the laws of the country for decades. Until Bader Ginsburg’s death, the high court had 5 conservative and 4 progressive magistrates.

The judges are appointed by the president and have to be confirmed by the Senate.

For the Christian right, the Supreme Court is a central issue and, therefore, this month, Trump renewed his promise to appoint judges who oppose abortion and promise to protect the right to bear arms.

Shortly after the announcement of Bader Ginsburg’s death, Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell released a statement pledging to put to a vote the candidate Trump selects for court.

For his part, the Democratic candidate for the White House, Joe Biden, considered last night that the US president who is elected at the polls on November 3 should be the one who chooses a replacement for Bader Ginsburg.
