The solidarity campaign “Let’s go Chileans”, telemarathon that this September 18 and 19 sought to raise funds to assist thousands of older adults who have been affected by the pandemic, and help them connect with support networks, raised a total of 16,427,363,537 pesos, according to the last count delivered at 02:10 am.
The closure of the program, which did not have a fundraising goal, was marked by a new donation from the Confederation for Production and Commerce (CPC), less than an hour from the end of the crusade: a contribution of 4,500 million pesos extra to the 2,500 million it delivered the day before.
With the more than 16,000 million collected, plus a donation in technology from Entel, 80,000 elderly people will be benefited, exceeding the expectation of benefiting 50,000, reported Mario Kreutzberger -alias Don Francisco- after reading the final count.
Specifically, the money raised will be used for Virtual Help and Communication Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), called Connect Major, created to communicate and accompany people over 80 who live alone with the delivery of a device based on cellular technology.
Through this phone, the beneficiaries will be able to connect with Salud Responde, a support center with State services and Family Health Centers (Cesfam), as well as having contact with at least two close relatives and also with the Chilean Police.
In addition, a special food and supplies kit for people of this age will be delivered.
“Those two objectives are the main ones. We have worked with Senama, with the network of Municipalities and with Telethon, knowing the logistics, and starting tomorrow (this Sunday), Conecta Mayor, with its call center, will be connected with this group. There are 80,000 people who are quite isolated, who live alone. We have heard stories that are very moving. People who have been away from their families for months, because the elderly have been the ones who have suffered the most from this pandemic, without a doubt, “said the rector of the PUC, Ignacio Sanchez, a Cooperative.
Last count of #ComeChilenos!
$ 16,427,363,537.-
Thanks Chile! 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 pic.twitter.com/qnYn4r1LQR
– #VamosChilenos (@vamoschilenostv) September 20, 2020
80 thousand elderly people will receive the help of the Foundation #ConnectMayor of @ucatolica! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽#ComeChilenos pic.twitter.com/04BxcXjhCK
– #VamosChilenos (@vamoschilenostv) September 20, 2020
The special program, which broadcast Cooperative, was carried out from Teletón Theater, with drivers that were rotating, in addition to a virtual wall with other faces. For its part, Mario kreutzberger he led the event from his home, just like the Telethon last April.
Karen Doggenweiler, Eduardo Fuentes, Tonka Tomicic, Julian Elfenbein, Diana Bolocco, Cristián de la Fuente, Angélica Castro and José Miguel Viñuela were some of the entertainers who were in the conduction. In the virtual wall they participated Cecilia Bolocco, Rafael Araneda, Francisca García Huidobro, Martin Cárcamo and María Luisa Godoy.
The music was also present with numbers as a tribute to the victims of the pandemic by Tenor Pehuenche Miguel Angel Pellao and the Venezuelan soprano Gaby perez. Names such as Gloria Estefan, Congreso, Beto Cuevas, Pablo Alborán, Nicole, Aleste, Natalino, Andrés de León and Javiera Mena.
47 years after the murder of Victor Jara, he Inti-Illimani of the Coulon brothers made a tribute to the singer-songwriter and his songs, also making a reference to the upcoming plebiscite on October 25: “We all approved a new Constitution for Chile”said its leader, Jorge Coulon.
[Video] #ComeChilenos: Inti-Illimani remembered Víctor Jara 47 years after his murder #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/RM8K7srWkz pic.twitter.com/GCtcrnlH12
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) September 20, 2020
A tribute to Cecilia, the incomparable, a Pandemic Fonda leadered by La Sonora by Tommy Rey, La Sonora Palacios, Leo Rey and Jordan, and a futuristic copycat routine Stefan kramer they also marked the solidarity event.
[Video] #ComeChilenos honored Cecilia, the incomparable #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/ohtDdgU96s pic.twitter.com/eeCwOw20L6
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) September 20, 2020
[Video] #CooperativeInHome The “Pandemic Fonda” with Tommy Rey, Sonora Palacios, Leo Rey and Jordan in #ComeChilenos https://t.co/tM9Y6FmCvv pic.twitter.com/FnFOtAKymP
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) September 20, 2020
[Video] A glimpse into the future: Stefan Kramer’s dystopian routine in #ComeChilenos #CooperativeInHome https://t.co/u7Eta2o5j8 pic.twitter.com/gsgdxikaJ9
– Cooperativa (@Cooperativa) September 20, 2020
President Piñera and Cecilia Morel called for “intergenerational solidarity”
At the closing of “Vamos Chilenos”, through a video, the President Sebastián Piñera and wife, Cecilia Morel, sent their support to the campaign and called on young people to have “intergenerational solidarity”.
“The elderly are a very heterogeneous group and, Unlike the stigmatized image of the elderly, the vast majority are self-reliant, active and are fully living this stage of their lives. However, in these times of pandemic they are one of the most affected groups and they have had to assume greater restrictions and sacrifices, which is aggravated because they are the group with the least access to new technologies, “said the first lady.
“Today, the call is for intergenerational solidarity, where the youngest help the elderly to enter the digital world and new technologies,” he said.
Meanwhile, President Piñera complemented that “Before, the third age was like a kind of prelude to the afterlife. Now it is very different: today is the beginning of a new stage full of opportunities. Furthermore, older adults have a lot to teach us, and all of us a lot to learn from them. That is why it is so important for them and for everyone to value them and fully integrate them into our society, and that modern technologies are a bridge of encounter and not a wall between generations “.
Here is the full message from the President and the first lady: