The coronavirus has taken all the attention of the people and the media, but many problems that we carry and are still very present. One of those is drought. In recent days shocking images of millions of dead fish have been disseminated in the Argentine province of Formosa.
Due to the little water that comes from the Salado River, in the Bañado de la Estrella area, the authorities closed a gate, reducing the flow of the liquid to a minimum, which caused the death of millions of fish.
These are images sent to the Pilcomayo Alert System of a great fish mortality in Bañado La Estrella (in Formosa). The combination of floodgates and drought would be the causes of this environmental disaster. The fish ran out of oxygen. pic.twitter.com/mUTizdo27T
– Matías Longoni (@matiaslongoni) September 14, 2020
After knowing the effect, the controversy broke out over the closing of the floodgates, however, the local authorities defend the measure, ensuring that it was carried out to guarantee water to several towns in the area.