3 people died and 54 new cases of Covid reported the regional authorities this Saturday, September 19 in a new health report with the local situation of the pandemic.
“We regret the death of three people, with residence records in the communes of Coquimbo, Los Vilos and Monte Patria. We send our most sincere condolences to his family and loved ones, ”said the Seremi de Salud, Alejandro García.
Regarding new cases, the Health Authority reported 54, reaching a total of 11,497 accumulated cases, of which 864 remain active. “Of the new cases registered, 14 correspond to La Serena, 21 to Coquimbo, 3 to Andacollo, 3 to Vicuña, 4 to Los Vilos, 6 to Ovalle, 1 to Combarbalá and 2 to Monte Patria,” he added.
Regarding the celebration of National Holidays, the health authority requested “that the community understand that it is a different celebration, we must stay at home, with our families. Massive activities and diners are forbidden, so the message we want to reiterate is self-care, extreme preventive measures and thus avoid new infections of the disease.
406 beds available in the region
On the balance of the Assistance Network, Edgardo González, director (S) of the Coquimbo Health Service, pointed out that the region has an endowment of 1,232 beds, which have an occupancy of 61%. “Of this total, 406 are available. In relation to the beds in the Critical Patient Units, we can mention that today we have 27 ICU beds, which are those with mechanical ventilators and 19 ICUs. Units with 66 and 73% occupancy, respectively, “he indicated.
As for the patients hospitalized for Covid_19, the authority reported that there are 90 hospitalized people, of which 28 are serious and connected to mechanical ventilation.
In addition, he gave the details of the health personnel affected by Covid_19, indicating that today we have 90 Health Service workers and 10 hospitals infected with the virus, and 55 are in preventive quarantine, while in Primary Health Care We have 28 officials who have tested positive for the virus and 46 are in quarantine.