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He always remembers Chile. National forward Alexis Sánchez, from the Italian Inter Milan records, sent a special greeting to the country in the middle of the National Holidays.
The tocopillano, who just scored a goal this Friday in a friendly by ‘neroazzurro’, dedicated words to his homeland in a video that has been broadcast by the Italian club.
“Hello my people from Chile. I want to send you a greeting for this Independence Day ”, affirms the ‘Wonder Child’.
“A big hug and I love you very much”, complements the striker formed in Cobreloa.
Let us remember that Alexis Sánchez is one of the main names in our football, being a reference of the so-called Golden Generation of the Chilean team.
What’s more, Sánchez participated in the two Copa América won by La Roja, in 2015 and 2016, being the author of the winning goal in the first and the ‘MVP’ of the second.