Call for information and voting in the plebiscite marks Archbishop Aós’ message in Te Deum | National


A call to be informed and to vote in the plebiscite, to define whether or not to move towards a new constitution, marked the message of the homily of the Archbishop of Santiago, Celestino Aós, during the ecumenical Te Deum held this September 18.

“It is time for action, for personal generosity: we need good politicians and rulerslucid and coherent legislators, judges who love truth and justice (…) Each citizen who improves his behavior is building a new and better Chile. Those who are not willing to change will come out worse and more impoverished humanly from this crisis that we are experiencing “, Aós expressed.

The archbishop called to “work so that justice and truth are at the base of our projects: that implies in the first place participate in the election and decision-making bodies. Participate, make your contribution by expressing your will through voting. Participant. To decide well, find out: let them tell you the consequences of each option, but don’t allow anyone to force you to vote or for anyone to decide for you ”.

“To find out, in addition to reading, to dialogue: listen with respect, expose our ideas. We have to move forward because we are still bogged down in a foolish and polluted style: there is no dialogue since the other is not listened to, nor is there reflection, and insults and disqualifications continue. It is not the way”

He elaborated on the subject with an example: “if we have fifty people and they insult, disqualify, attack each other, with gathering five hundred or five thousand, but in the same style, we will only achieve greater noise and more constant violence.”

Likewise, the ecclesiastical authority called for “putting the common interest above partisanship and particularism.”

In other passages, he dedicated words to those who have suffered from the coronavirus, as well as to victims of “violence and crime, drug trafficking and drugs, the loss of wages and the loss of so many jobs, the difficulties for the older adults and for migrants, the problems of education and medical care, the issue of native peoples, the always intolerable violence that comes to fall and abuse against children and women and the elderly, mistreatment of nature.

The ceremony of this day was lived in the context of the pandemic, in the open air on the San Cristóbal hill and not in the cathedral, as was traditional, with the presence of President Sebastián Piñera and a part of the cabinet, with reduced capacity and distance to meet sanitary requirements.
