This Friday afternoon, one person was detained in Playa Amarilla, in the commune of Concón, after refusing to be inspected and it was verified that she was in the area visiting her second home.

According to the Valparaíso Health Ministry, Francisco Álvarez, The person was from the Metropolitan region and a health investigation was initiated.

“What we have just seen is what happens when people not only act irresponsibly but also negligently. This person refused to be inspected and precisely what happens, it happens that these people who do not want to be inspected is because clearly they are not from here, “said Álvarez.

The authority also indicated that after a round of inspections, only in one hour 7 sanitary summaries were started, 4 in Los Lilenes beach and 3 in Amarilla Beach for visits to a second home.

It also indicated that all these people came from the Metropolitan region. “We have said it all week, not only are they going to have a hard time, but they are also going to be inspected, controlled and sanctioned.”
