[Minuto a Minuto] About 20 thousand vehicles have left Santiago and 14 thousand have been returned


21:27 –

| After 2,444 identity checks and 2,267 vehicle checks carried out when leaving Santiago, a total of 141 vehicles have been returned on this day #CooperativaEnCasa

13:22 –

| “Today they have joined to be inspectors as inspectors of the health authority under commission of service: they will be helping us to control these National Holidays in their communes, because they are the ones who know their territory best, they know what the points of their agglomeration will be , where should we be to monitor and prevent the creation of diners, clandestine parties “, explained the seremi Paula Labra

11:33 –

| Inspections on Route 68 will include drone patrols, arranged by the Municipality of Viña del Mar, which will support the work of the police authorities in the control of vehicles that travel on the road that connects Santiago and Valparaíso

10:07 –

| Given the criticism and doubts and after several clarifications, the Government defined that the plan apply only in communes that are between phases 2 and 5 of the “Step by step” plan, excluding those that are in quarantine: there are currently 48 in confinement , and from 05:00 hours this Friday, another six will be added

09/17/2020 - 10:07
