Audi apologizes and deletes ad in which a girl eats a banana in front of a car | Society


Audi It has been involved in a controversy in recent times as a result of an advertising campaign that has generated various comments.

It is an image in which a little girl appears eating a banana while leaning on an Audi RS 4.

“Let your heart beat faster, in all respects”, wrote the German company next to the graphic piece, with which they sought to show a family lifestyle linked to the car.


It didn’t take long for the first criticisms to appear on social networks, where users rated the photograph as “dangerous”. In that sense, there were those who argued that the minor was in a difficult point for a car driver to see.

In turn, others pointed out that the image could incite people, especially children, to stand in front of a vehicle.

Meanwhile, as reported by CNN, some users pointed to the advertising as “provocative”. Those who defended the publicity indicated that those who saw “A phallic symbol on the banana in a girl’s hand should definitely see a psychiatrist.”

A few hours after the image was uploaded, Audi decided to remove the post and offer an apology, assuring that the issue of safety is extremely important to them.

“We listen to them and make it clear: we care about the children. The Audi RS 4 is a family car with more than thirty driver assistance systems, including an emergency braking system ”, they indicated.

Along with ensuring that their intention was never to hurt someone’s feelings, the brand added that they launched an investigation to determine if any controls were missed during the creation of the piece, and to ensure that this image is not used again.
